Do you believe in aliens? Surveys show that more and more folks are open to the idea that we are not alone in this ginormous universe...that lurking out there - or maybe even here - are beings that are definitely different in nature and not at home on this planet. Like Teletubbies - right? I mean, if Tinky Winky and Dipsy who annoyingly repeat the phrase "Bibberly cheese!" aren't aliens, I'm not sure what would qualify... Then there's the new Sci-Fi series that has a lot of people talking called V . The V stands for "visitor" - as in aliens who are "visiting" Earth, but it seems pretty clear that they are not here to chill out and try and figure out great mysteries like why so many humans get into arguments over Edward and Jacob. The visitors are on a mission to conquer the planet, and this just might be... The end of humanity! Nooooooooo!!! (Cue the epic music.) Personally, I like being an alien. Not that its always easy, but having a "stranger in a strange land" mentality helps me get why life on planet Earth just seems so messed up at times. Don't worry, I haven't lost my mind - not yet anyway. I call myself an alien because that's what God calls Christians:
The day that I trusted in Jesus Christ as my only hope of salvation, something incredible happened. I ceased being just a person and became a child God. I was freed from the chains of humanity that would have you believe that joy and contentment can come from anything in this world. My true citizenship and home is in heaven, so my life is now an alien journey on planet Earth. On the show V , the aliens are there to distract, deceive, and ultimately destroy the native folks, and that is obviously why the Christian kind of "visitor" is on a completely different mission. Our task is to:
Isn't that incredible? As believers in Jesus Christ, we get to show our "alien-ness" by loving the unloved, forgiving our offenders, and passing along the greatest message in all the universe:
This gospel message is also alien, because it wasn't invented by any human mind. The gospel is from the mind of God and is the power of God. It is capable of transforming any guilt-ridden, hopeless life into unbelievable meaning, purpose, and value. Are you feeling a bit alienated and alone at times? Unfortunately, that's a part of following Christ. To feel not at home and rejected by a culture that cares only about selfish personal happiness and limitless pleasure is natural when you dare 2 share a Christ-like life and the gospel message. But remember that no matter how dark and lonely the path, there is an amazing end to the journey - then they'll be won over to God's side and be there to join in the celebration when he arrives. The end for us aliens is actually just the beginning! Jesus Christ is returning to gather all His followers, and there is going to be a homecoming party that is beyond your wildest imagination. I'm sure you're familiar with the common alien phrase: "Take me to your leader." Well, fellow alien...let's turn that around and ask our friends and family this: "Would you like to meet my Leader?" |
About Me

- Pastor Matt
- I am a Kid's/Youth Pastor serving at Island Gospel Tabernacle on the beautiful Cape Sable Island. I have an amazing girlfriend, Gabe. I can play pretty much any instrument and if I can't play it I want to learn. I'm a techno-geek.... and ya.. thats it!
I am an Alien!
You are a Letter from God
Have you ever wanted to write a letter to God? If you sat down right now to compose a message to the Creator of the universe, what would you say?
I think most would go with the whole series of "why?" questions...why me God? Why did my parents divorce? Why am I depressed a lot? Why did you make me this way? Why are things turning out like this?
Valid questions to be sure - and also ones that God is not threatened or angered by. Life is sometimes plain and simple awful, and it is human nature to point our finger at the sky and blame the One in charge - right?
That is certainly something this guy could have done, and no one would have blamed him.
This is a true story, this is a about real 8 year old boy who went from an easy going, soccer playing childhood to the darkest journey anyone could ever face when one simple word entered his world:
In the process of his battle with this deadly disease, he had to quit his beloved sport, lose his hair and eyebrows, and face a daily battle with a reality that could crush the spirit of anyone on the planet.
But he had an unshakeable relationship with God...a childlike faith that turned his pain and discouragement into a community transformation. That's why the letters he writes to God are not about the "why," or even about him. He writes to God about other people and their problems, and in turn becomes a living letter from God to everyone around him.
And now his story has the chance to transform - not hundreds - but literally millions of lives through the movie Letters to God.
I can't say if I would have the faith that he had when facing a giant of that size, but one thing I have in common with him is that I, too, am a living letter from God to the people around me.
And if you have a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, this statement is true about you:
Your lives are a letter written in our hearts; everyone can read it and recognize our good work among you. Clearly, you are a letter from Christ showing the result of our ministry among you. This "letter" is written not with pen and ink, but with the Spirit of the living God. It is carved not on tablets of stone, but on human hearts (2 Corinthians 2:2-3).
This truth formed the foundation of his outlook on life. He wrote pen and ink letters toGod on behalf of others, and in turn God used him to be a beating heart letter from Jesus Christ. His deepest wish was that the sad, hurting, and broken people in his world would come to know God.
We've been granted an unbelievable opportunity - haven't we? Every day God is texting the world through our eyes, our words, our attitudes, and our actions. The ink from our hearts bleeds onto the paper of our world, painting a picture of Jesus Christ.
So what kind of living letter are you? The answer to this question can be found in another question-
What kind of letters are you writing to God?
Your prayers are your letters, so if they are generally composed of complaints, questions, and self-focused requests, then that is the kind of God the people around you will see.
How about we all start a new letter writing campaign? One that asks God to touch lives and heal the pain in our corner of the world. One that begs God for the salvation of our friends who don't know Him because they haven't trusted in Jesus Christ as their only hope of salvation.
Let me start this campaign with a letter from God that changed me to the core of my being:
He was pierced for our rebellion,
crushed for our sins.
He was beaten so we could be whole.
He was whipped so we could be healed.
All of us, like sheep, have strayed away.
We have left God's paths to follow our own.
Yet the L ord laid on him
the sins of us all (Isaiah 53:5-6).
Remember, the ink that God is using to write His message to the world through you was paid for with the blood of Jesus Christ on the cross. Don't waste this precious gift with selfish and self-centered prayers and living, rather make each day a magnificent composition to your Savior, then watch Him write His message of unconditional love and salvation to everyone around you!